CNN Edits Governor Lingle’s Words to Conceal her Lie and Create their own Lie

The truth is that Governor Lingle has never claimed to have looked at the original, initial vital record for the birth of Barack Hussein Obama.

The truth is that Governor Lingle has never claimed that the COLB that was produced at and by the Obama campaign headquarters is authentic. She has never “certified”, in a legal sense, anything about Obama’s birth.

The truth is that Governor Lingle did an interview with WABC that included her saying the following words (bold emphasis mine):

This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it’s again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this.

The truth is that Lingle, whether intentionally or not, did not tell the truth.

Here’s what Fukino did and did not say in her October 31, 2008 statement: Parsing the Statement by Dr. Fukino about Barack Hussein Obama’s Official Birth Certificate

Here’s what Fukino did and did not say in her July 27, 2009 statement: Which Government Organization Was The First To Say, “Obama was born in Hawaii”?

Now, Governor Lingle falsely claimed that the October 31, 2008 statement said “that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii.” That is patently false. Regardless of whether Lingle is being intentionally dishonest or just clueless, it doesn’t matter… she is speaking lies, and cannot be trusted.

If that weren’t bad enough, CNN is now selectively editing Governor Lingle’s words in order to conceal her lie and create their own lie… the lie that Lingle “certified Obama’s birth certificate as legitimate”.  CNN says (again, bold emphasis mine):

The Republican governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, has recently certified Obama’s birth certificate as legitimate.”I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health,” Lingle recently told WABC. “The president was in fact born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact.”

Do you see CNN’s distortion?  Do you see what they left out? 

Let’s take Lingle’s actual words and see how CNN edited them…

I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it’s again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this.

“And that’s just a fact…”
No, that’s just a lie.

Governor Lingle’s Lie:

we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii.

CNN Edits Governor Lingle’s Words to Conceal her Lie and Create their own Lie:

I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health.  The president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact.

Do you think CNN’s editing leaves out a key detail? A detail that is demonstrably a lie?

When Governor Lingle said, “And that’s just a fact”, she was referring to the releasing of the news release.  (A news release that absolutely did NOT say what she claimed it said, but she was referring nonetheless to the releasing of the news release)

CNN edited Governor Lingle’s words to leave out the false claim about what the news release said, and instead creates their own misperception that the false claim itself was what Governor Lingle was referring to when she said “And that’s just a fact.”

Do you think this shows any bias on CNN’s part?

The people who are creating “a horrible distraction for the country” are those who will not tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Audio of Lingle’s interview can be found here, and I’ll also post it as the first comment.

Lingle has stated outright falsehoods as certain truths. She is either a useful idiot or an intentional and shameless liar. (I personally think it’s the former, but that’s irrelevant…) What matters is that Lingle cannot be trusted.

If Obama was in fact born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, then there is a long-form birth certificate to prove it. And that’s just a fact. If they don’t release the long-form birth certificate to prove it, then we must assume that it does not really exist. And if it does not exist, then the Obama birth narrative is fraudulent.

The Contrapositive: If No Long Form Birth Certificate, Then Obama “Birth Narrative” is Fraudulent

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97 Responses to CNN Edits Governor Lingle’s Words to Conceal her Lie and Create their own Lie

  1. Ryan says:

    You can’t possibly be serious. So Lingle is part of the conspiracy as well?

    You think her statement is a lie because the original statement did not mention the hospital? That’s not a lie, it’s a tiny discrepancy – one that makes no difference, since the hospital is irrelevant. You’ve been asking about the hospital constantly, and now that she confirms it for you, she’s a liar?

    You ask for the long form birth certificate – so someone goes and checks it out (as you request) and verifies it (as you request) and then you call them a liar. This is why people laugh at birthers and no longer take them seriously. There is nothing that can be done to satisfy you.

  2. max says:

    Lingle took the word of someone who said the “original document” – she didn’t say the Long Form Birth CERTIFICATE – not CERTIFICATION. And I for one am not in habit of accepting the word of government bureaucrats as evidence of anything – particularly 2nd hand word.

    Show the Long Form CertificaTE of Live Birth with the doctor’s name and hospital – Obama’s Kenyan born sister has the exact same document the media and liberals want us to buy as definitive evidence. They had no problem putting the meaningless CertificaTION of Live Birth on the Internet and letting the media inspect it, let them do the same with an official copy of the actual CertificaTE, which Obama could get for $15 (much cheaper than the $2 Million he’s spent to avoid having to produce one).

    At least 3 recent polls now show that a majority of Americans are either confident or not sure that Obama is NOT foreign born, so he WILL clear this up by 2012 or a large number of people and states won’t let him on the ballot.

  3. gary says:

    in rebuttal to poster one, the video is there to support the correct conclusion that the governor is a liar, and CNN, a “supposedly” objective news org. is supporting her. that makes cnn liars too. as for “birthers”, the fact that you libs come up with a cute name to try to marginalize us doesnt make for a good defense of zerobama or yourselves. he continues to hide everything of his past and spends millions to do so. why? obviously he has something to hide.

  4. mairez says:

    Why not simply produce the long form for us to scrutinize? By now, they could have easily counterfeited one. And, to get Obama re-elected, they probably will.

  5. On 2010/08/07 at 3:04 am, Ryan said:

    You can’t possibly be serious.

    You know darn well that I am absolutely serious. You’ve been following along for a long time; don’t act stupid now.

    So Lingle is part of the conspiracy as well?

    As I stated clearly above in the post, Lingle “is either a useful idiot or an intentional and shameless liar. (I personally think it’s the former, but that’s irrelevant…) What matters is that Lingle cannot be trusted.”

    You think her statement is a lie because the original statement did not mention the hospital? That’s not a lie, it’s a tiny discrepancy – one that makes no difference, since the hospital is irrelevant. You’ve been asking about the hospital constantly, and now that she confirms it for you, she’s a liar?

    Lingle told a lie because what she said is demonstrably false. Dr. Fukino’s statement did not say what Lingle claimed it said. Lingle told a lie. And CNN edited Governor Lingle’s words to conceal her lie and create their own lie.

    And you don’t have the integrity to acknowledge either lie.

    Dr. Fukino’s October 31, 2008 press release did not say what many people (including Governor Lingle, the Associated Press, and Annenberg Political Fact Check) claimed it said.

    Dr. Fukino’s October 31, 2008 press release did not claim, “Obama was born in Hawaii”.

    Dr. Fukino did not “issue a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii”, as Governor Lingle falsely claimed.

    Dr. Fukino did not “confirm Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu”, as Annenberg Political Fact Check falsely claimed.

    Dr. Fukino’s October 31, 2008 press release did not “declare Obama birth certificate genuine”, as the Associated Press falsely claimed.

    Dr. Fukino has never claimed to have personally seen and verified Obama’s original birth certificate. What she claimed to have personally seen and verified was merely that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures. She verified they have a record. She never claimed to have inspected or verified the content of that record.

    Dr. Fukino has never verified Obama’s COLB.

    Dr. Fukino has never verified Obama’s birth hospital.

    And again, Dr. Fukino’s October 31, 2008 press release did not claim, “Obama was born in Hawaii”.

    And that’s just a fact.

    Dr. Fukino was not willing to say “Obama was born in Hawaii” until the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.Res.593 which contained those words, thus giving her legal “cover”. Mere hours after the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.Res.593, Dr. Fukino rushed to issue her second press release, which echoed the words from H.Res.593 and gave no legal explanation for how and why she could claim, contrary to Vattel’s definition, that Obama is a “natural-born American citizen”.

    You ask for the long form birth certificate – so someone goes and checks it out (as you request) and verifies it (as you request) and then you call them a liar. This is why people laugh at birthers and no longer take them seriously.

    Lingle did not “check it out”. Therefore, Lingle cannot “verify it”.
    Fukino did, supposedly, “check it out”. And Fukino has not “verified it”. Please provide a link to where Fukino “verified” the COLB that was produced at and by the Obama campaiagn headquarters in Chicago. You can’t, because she didn’t. The only thing Fukino ever “verified” is that there is a record on file. That’s it.

    She never claimed that she had inspected the original vital record, rather only that a record exists.

    There is nothing that can be done to satisfy you.

    Wrong. I have said repeatedly that two things need to be done to satisfy me:
    1) Release the original, initial vital record for the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II.
    2) A Supreme Court ruling on the Constitutional definition of “natural born citizen”. Did the founders intend for it to mean what Vattel said it means? That is, “natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens”.

  6. bridgetteb says:

    Ryan appears to be spoon fed his information about Obama rather than using his mind and any analytical skills he might have to determine what is truth and what is fiction.

    For all the sitting he does in his basement waiting for Podesta’s diatribe for the day, he might use a little time to do some research like Red Pill does.

    You can show the Leftist the truth, and they still can’t fathom they elected a conman who is out to destroy the country.

    Spend a little time looking at the Communist Goals for the country, and read some Russian history and see if you like where we are headed. Decency, integrity, and honesty are sorely lacking on the Left. They will be the ones Left Behind. Patriots and true Americans are on the march!

    Facts are facts and the fact is Obama was ineligible to run for the Presidency. Those that are involved in covering up his entire life are also complicit …but judgment day will come for them as well.

  7. mairez,

    If the current players (Fukino, Lingle) were going to create a counterfeit birth certificate, I think they would have done so already. I don’t think they are likely to do that, but consider this…

    Neil Abercrombie is the Representative from Hawaii who:

    1) Created the fake Obama letter claiming:
    “Kapi’olani Medical Center – the place of my birth”.

    2) Sponsored H.Res 593, the House Resoultion which included the words “Obama was born in Hawaii” and which enabled Fukino’s second news release once the House voted in favor of this resolution.

    Neil Abercrombie is now running for Governor of Hawaii. If he wins, you can count on a Birth Certificate being manufactured for Obama and produced once Abercrombie is in power.

    We know that Tim Adams, who was senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu during the 2008 presidential campaign, said that there is no long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama.

    If Obama were born at Kapi’olani Medical Center, then there would be a long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama.

    The contrapositive is that if there is no long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama, then the “Obama birth narrative” is fraudulent.

    We need a member of Congress to ask for the long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama NOW, before Neil Abercrombie gains the opportunity to manufacture one.

  8. mairez says:

    Ok, I’m getting some facts here I didn’t know. Which is why this is a good forum.

    How was Tim Adams able to determine that there was no long form. I thought only immediate family members could know such a thing.

    I also didn’t know about the H. Res 593. Is that the Hawaiian House, or the US House of Representatives? If it’s the US House, where can I review the results of the vote?

    This is getting scary.

  9. mairez,

    I literally only have a minute to respond now, but I’ll be back again later. For now, read
    Which Government Organization Was The First To Say, “Obama was born in Hawaii”?

  10. mairez says:

    Ok, thanks. I read your link. Well, enough of it. I could grow old trying to ingest all this stuff. It would be much simpler to simply see the long form birth certificate. Which he won’t produce. That is what is so galling. He has something to hide. But hey, he works for us and needs to prove his qualification to do so.

    The liberals will point to this and say it’s simply a technicality. The US Constitution is full of technicalities.

    I don’t want to have to worry about the meaning of is. I don’t want to worry about what “a son of this soil” means. [Could have meant son of a son of their soil]. I just want to see the damn document.

  11. It is clear that he and other elections officials knew that there was no long-form birth certificate documenting a Hawaiian hospital birth for Obama.

    Now, I don’t agree with his conclusion that “racism” is behind those who don’t think Obama is eligible.

    And I don’t agree that an unverified COLB means Obama must have been born a citizen.

    And I don’t agree that being a citizen is sufficient to be eligible to hold the office of President. That was only sufficient for those who were citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. That grandfather clause has long since expired, since no one alive was a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution. The Constitutional requirement is no longer “Citizen”, but rather “natural born Citizen”.

    No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    Note how Tim Adams indicates that it was not Hawaii who certified that Obama was eligible to hold the office of President.

    He’s right. Hawaii required Nancy Pelosi to send a signed, notarized document to them affirming that Obama was eligible.
    OK, Speaker Pelosi, How Did the DNC Certify Obama’s Eligibility?

    Perhaps it’s time for the House Ethics committee to investigate how Pelosi made this claim.

  12. I know I’ve given you a lot to read, but for those who want a recap of the big picture, with links to follow for more detail on any individual piece, see the following post:

    Obama’s Eligibility: It’s a Matter of Faith

  13. The number of people who are questioning Obama’s eligibility is on the rise, but the AP spins again…

    Hawaii officials say far fewer “birthers,” who claim Obama is ineligible to be president, have asked state officials to provide the document since the law was enacted in May.

    The law has never even been put to use. Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo says the number of people seeking proof that Obama was born outside of Hawaii and the United States diminished without the law being invoked.

    ‘Birthers’ fade after passage of law against them

    They want you to believe that “birthers” are naturally fading away, without the new law playing any role in that. BS! People are shying away from asking questions because of the mere threat of being charged under the new law.

    Why did they need that new law in the first place?

    Because they refuse to be “open, transparent, and accountable”!

  14. mairez says:

    We need Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter to help keep this flame alive.
    Michelle got me here, btw.

  15. mairez,

    I’m happy that your eyes have been opened to the truth.

    I’m glad that you are here and found your way here via my comment on Michelle Malkin’s site. Unfortunately, however, Michelle is far from “keeping this flame alive”… she seems to take it on faith that the COLB that was produced at and by the Obama Campaign headquarters in Chicago is authentic, even though it is no more authentic than the clearly fraudulent COLB for “Haye I.B. Ahphorgerie” (“Hey! I Be A Forgery!”).
    I encourage you to read A Response to Michelle Malkin.

    I have tremendous respect for Michelle, but this is one area where she has, to this point, trusted things and people that should not be trusted.

    Newspaper birth birth announcements are not a substitute for an official, original, initial birth certificate. I’ve read countless comments from people on various blogs who say that they were born in one location, but their birth was announced in newspapers in one or more OTHER places where they were not born. And, the microfilm of those announcements appears to have been tampered with.

  16. mairez says:

    I know about the newspaper announcements. I’ve been following this controversy quite closely, actually. Except for the HB 593 part. No doubt my Oregon representatives all signed off on it, except for the lone Republican wolf in eastern Oregon.

    Not sure about Michelle’s expertise in this area. I know she doesn’t miss an opportunity to illuminate the out and out hyprocissy going on with the Chicago crowd.

    For sure, Obama’s a sock puppet.

    I want to see the original birth certificate.

  17. mairez says:

    I don’t see how this makes Obama’s birthplace Hawaii, even though the Bill says it is. It doesn’t prove anything.

    H. Res. 593

    In the House of Representatives, U. S.,

    July 27, 2009.

    Whereas August 21, 2009, marks the 50th Anniversary of President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s signing of Proclamation 3309, which admitted Hawaii into the Union in compliance with the Hawaii Admission Act, enacted by the United States Congress on March 18, 1959;

    Whereas Hawaii is ‘a place like no other, with a people like no other’ and bridges the mainland United States to the Asia-Pacific region;

    Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961;

    Whereas Hawaii has contributed to the diversity of Congress in electing–

    (1) the first Native Hawaiian to serve in Congress, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole;

    (2) the first Asian-American to serve in the Senate, Hiram Fong;

    (3) the first woman of color to serve in Congress, Patsy T. Mink;

    (4) the first Native Hawaiian to serve in the Senate, Daniel Kahikina Akaka; and

    (5) the first Japanese-American to serve in the Senate, Daniel Ken Inouye;

    Whereas Hawaii is an example to the rest of the world of unity and positive race relations;

    Whereas Pearl Harbor is a strategic military base for the U.S. in the Pacific and also a historical site for the Nation, being the location of the December 7, 1941, surprise Japanese aerial attack that thrust the Nation into World War II;

    Whereas Hawaii is home to 1/4 of the endangered species in the United States;

    Whereas Hawaii has 8 national parks, which preserve volcanoes, complex ecosystems, a Hansen’s disease colony, and other sites of historical and cultural significance;

    Whereas Kilauea ranks among the most active volcanoes on Earth;

    Whereas President Bush nominated the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Centre for consideration to the World Heritage List;

    Whereas Hawaii has produced musical legends ranging from traditional favorites such as Alfred Apaka, Don Ho, and Genoa Keawe, to Hawaii renaissance performers such as Eddie Kamae, Raymond Kane, Gabby Pahinui, Israel Kamakawiwo‘ole, the Brothers Cazimero, and the Beamer Brothers, and continuing on to contemporary stars such as Keali‘i Reichel, Ledward Kaapana, Jake Shimabukuro, and Raiatea Helm;

    Whereas Hawaii is culturally rich, as the Hawaiian culture has been protected through Hawaiian language immersion schools, hula competitions such as the Merrie Monarch Festival, canoeing voyages undertaken by vessels like the Hokule‘a, and the continuing historic preservation of Hawaiian traditions;

    Whereas the Hawaii Statehood Commission has held a Joint Session of the Hawaii State Legislature in honor of statehood and will be celebrating this milestone with a public discussion and with the arrival of the USS Hawaii; and

    Whereas for all of these reasons Hawaii is a truly unique State: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.

  18. H. Res. 593 has no legal weight by itself. But, by being conned into voting unanimously for a resolution marking the 50th Anniversary of Hawaii statehood, they may have inadvertently also become “witnesses”, in the view of the Hawaiian Department of Health, to the following statement:

    Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961

    They agreed to this because they thought Hawaii had already confirmed that. But Hawaii had not already confirmed that, and Fukino rushed to issue a new press release as soon as the House voted unanimously in favor of H.Res. 593.

  19. mairez says:

    Yes, it must have seemed harmless enough to vote for a bill that recognized Hawaii’s 50th anniversary. It shows that our so-called representatives aren’t paying attention.

    The liberals are even slimier than the Republicans. And deluded, every one of ’em.

  20. Pingback: CNN Orwellian news, CNN rewrites history, Lou Dobbs spoke truth, Citizen Wells open thread, August 8, 2010 « Citizen WElls

  21. Ryan says:

    I wish you guys would actually verify some of the “facts” you like to throw around. There are so many blatant lies you are spreading about this supposed conspiracy, it’s almost comical. You mention that you don’t trust the current Republican governor. Is there anyone who you DO trust? Is there anyone that could say publicly that he/she has seen Obama’s original birth certificate, and you would believe it was the truth?

    We need Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter to help keep this flame alive.
    Michelle got me here, btw.

    You guys know that both Ann and Michelle have stated publicly that birthers are out to lunch right? They both believe that Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States, and is fully eligible to be president. I disagree with them on most issues, but I respect them for spending their time on REAL issues.

  22. mairez says:

    I think Lingle is probably a RINO. It’s a heavily Democratic controlled state.

    Can you give me the links that show Michelle and Ann calling the birthers “out to lunch.” I’m thinking it is quite the opposite.

  23. Math says:

    But a dangerously large segment of the birth certificate hunters have lurched into rabid Truther territory. The most prominent crusader against Obama’s American citizenship claim, lawyer Philip Berg (who, not coincidentally, is also a prominent 9/11 Truther), disputes that Obama was born in Hawaii and claims that Obama’s paternal grandmother told him she saw Obama born in Kenya.

    Berg and his supporters further assert that the “Certification of Live Birth” produced by Obama was altered or forged. They claim that the contemporaneous birth announcement in a Hawaii newspaper of Obama’s birth is insufficient evidence that he was born there. (Did a fortune-teller place it in the paper knowing he would run for president?). And they accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being part and parcel of the grand plan to install Emperor Obama and usurp the rule of law.

    But she never used the exact words “out to lunch”, as far as I know. So I guess that makes Ryan either a useful idiot or an intentional and shameless liar by your standards.

    Thankfully, rational and logical people can grasp the meaning of a sentence beyond the word by word nitpicking.

  24. Ryan says:

    As for proof of the Ann Coulter opinion – you guys seem to be able to type “Obama Communist Russia” into Google, why can’t you type “Ann Coulter Birthers” into google? Seriously. Every time I make a claim, you ask for proof. You scour the web daily for tiny bits of evidence to confirm your theory, but can’t bother to search for confirmation f something you may disagree with? I suppose that skill was weeded out of you at church.

    Ann didn’t say “out to lunch”. I was taking poetic license. She said you were “cranks”. Google it. Bing it. Youtube it. Heck, you can go retro and Hotbot it.

    Seriously, somebody wears red at an Obama speech, and you guys seem to find it it 10 minutes, but the two people to whom you seem most closely politically aligned think you’re idiots, and you ignore it completely.

  25. mairez says:

    Thank you for steering me to that column.
    The comments raise still more food for thought and support our contention that the President may well not be a natural born citizen of the United States.

  26. Ryan,
    I really haven’t been reading much of Ann Coulter’s stuff, so I didn’t know, and frankly don’t care that she said we are “cranks”.

    Lingle Lied. Transparency died.

    And as to your rant:

    Every time I make a claim, you ask for proof. You scour the web daily for tiny bits of evidence to confirm your theory, but can’t bother to search for confirmation f something you may disagree with? I suppose that skill was weeded out of you at church.

    That is easily exposed as a lie. I refer you to this reply I made to comment a mere two days ago. Or perhaps you forgot already.

    You lied again when you said:

    the two people to whom you seem most closely politically aligned think you’re idiots, and you ignore it completely.

    Far from ignoring Michelle’s post completely, I wrote a detailed post in response to her:

    A Response to Michelle Malkin
    September 24, 2009

    I really am tired of your lies, distortions, and obfuscations, coming from Canada, no less. I told you before and I’ll tell you again:
    Take off, Hoser!

  27. Did you know that Obama had an adopted older sister in Indonesia?

    The MSM never told you about her.

    On February 16, 2010, “An American Expat in Southeast Asia” shared some of what was being shared in the Indonesian media. His comments included:

    The Indonesian story of Lia (Mbak Nun) is not kind at all to Obama’s mother Ann at all.

    You can expect to see a lot more of these stories from the Indonesian media, none of them will be covered by the US MSM you can be assured of that.

    There is a LOT more you are going to learn about Obama in the days ahead including a lot concerning his religion.

    Ten days later she was dead.

    Follow the link above and the link below to learn more about
    HOLIYAH SOETORO SABAH, “LIA”, Obama’s Adopted Sister who Died Suddenly.

  28. Ryan says:

    Yes, I remember your response to Michelle. I remember you not listening to a word she said, and summarily discounting her entire post. That’s what I mean by ignoring her.

    It’s called confirmation bias. If Michelle Malkin wrote a post questioning Obama’s citizenship, you would be dancing in the streets.

  29. Confirmation bias? Let’s “confirm” a few things…

    News Release
    Phone: (808) 586-4410
    Fax: (808) 586-4444
    For Immediate Release: October 31, 2008 08-93

    “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.

    “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.

    “No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai‘i.”

    For more information, contact:
    Janice Okubo
    Communications Office
    Phone: (808) 586-4442

    Did this news release say that Obama “was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii”?


    It is easily confirmed that what Governor Lingle said to WABC was not true.

    It is easily confirmed that CNN edited what Governor Lingle said to WABC, in order to leave out that obvious untruth.

    It is easily confirmed that what Annenberg Political Fact Check said was not true, when they falsely claimed, “The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu.”

    It is easily confirmed that what the Associated press said was not true, when they falsely claimed, “State declares Obama birth certificate genuine”.

    So, we have the Associated press, Annenberg Political Fact Check, Governor Lingle, and CNN, all distorting the truth and telling outright lies.

    If Michelle Malkin were to wake up and write a post about this, you’re darn right I would be happy about it.


    Because I support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

    And I support what Obama claimed to support when he talked about “open, transparent, and accountable” government.

  30. By the way, every member of Congress has sworn an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

    They have a sworn duty to support and defend all of the Constitution, and that obviously includes Article II Section 1:

    No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    And section 3 of the 20th Amendment:

    …if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

    Members of Congress have a Constitutional duty to qualify the President and Vice-President. They should request the original, initial birth certificate for both Barack Hussein Obama II and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

    Members of Congress have “a tangible interest in the vital record”.

    They should also ask the United States Supreme Court to decide on what they think was the Founders’ definition of “natural born citizen”. Was it the Natural Law definition, as described by Vattel? I.e., “natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens”.

  31. Remember that picture of Barack Hussein Obama Sr. at the airport with his “son”?

    If the man known today as Barack Hussein Obama II was the child in that picture, then why did he say

    Even though my father left us when I was two years old, and I only knew him from the letters he wrote and the stories that my family told

    – Remarks of Senator Barack Obama: Apostolic Church of God
    Chicago, IL | June 15, 2008

    Either that statement is true, or it is not true. If that statement is not true, then Obama lied.

    If that statement is true, then what you have been told about that picture of Barack Hussein Obama Sr. at the airport with his “son” is not true.

    I.e., either:
    1) BHOII is not the boy in that picture, or
    2) BHOII is the boy in that picture, and BHOSr. is not his true father, or
    3) BHOII is the boy in that picture, BHOSr. is his true father, and BHOII lied when he said, “I only knew him from the letters he wrote and the stories that my family told”.

    Which lie is it?

  32. Ryan says:

    1. Lingle mentioned the hospital because the hospital was listed on the certificate by the Obama campaign, and the statement by Fukino effectively confirmed that the information released by the Obama campaign matches the records in Hawaii.

    2. CNN is not required to quote the entire text of any public speech. What they quote captured the gist of the statement.

    3. Michelle Malkin does not jump on this story because it is not a story.

    4. If Obama met his father again at a later age, it does not change the fact that he left when he was two, or the fact that he only “knew” him from letters and stories.

  33. the hospital was listed on the certificate by the Obama campaign

    Demonstrably false.

    It’s not even worth my time to respond to you anymore when you lie so frequently.

    Take off, Hosehead!

  34. Zenways says:

    Hey all.. if it wasn’t a cover up … it would all exposed……EXPOSED!
    How long does this take and why do ALL FEAR the wrath of this DEVIL?
    Protesters to our cause, what do that bring to the table? Crumbs? Show us your PROOF!!!! and stop blowing hot air. The goods shown are like phony dog papers…. won’t get much for the doggie…sorry.
    OBAMA SENIOR was BORN in KENYA….as far as we KNOW…GET IT? O can’t be our PRES!!!!!!!
    I don’t believe O EVER saw or touched his birth papers at his grams. Another cute lie!
    I believe he’s spun a web like telling the kids in school stories and fibs… that rolled off his forked tonge…so easy he said…. and he never thought WE THE PEOPLE would undermind nor question those lies… EXPOSED!
    All he has written I question… so very touching for such a cool dude.
    Weve been snookered by the biggest fool of all time. I don’t believe Hawaii….not one bit… NONE OF THEM! Nice that they control the keys to the papers and will keep them from human eyes forever???? WHY????
    As they snivel that were harassing THEM!!!! MY MY! Then show us!
    Will keep OUR torch glowing 24/7 ….. that’s our job as AMERICANS.
    If you don’t like it stop with the silly name calling and get on with YOUR agends…. (do you have one?)…. and stay out of our shorts!

  35. Ryan says:

    Howdy Zenways – Grab a seat at the front. You’ll fit right in.

    Wow. This is gold.

  36. Ryan,

    You may be very surprised to see me write these words, but Barack Hussein Obama is eligible to be President…

  37. Ryan says:

    There’s nothing you could say that would surprise me. Do tell, what happened to change your mind, or (a more likely scenario) what alternate meaning is there to what you are now saying?

  38. Barack Hussein Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be President…

    in Kenya.

  39. Ryan says:

    Yeah, that was going to be my first guess. Well I suppose that opens up an opportunity for the president of the United States. Perhaps he could lead Kenya one day.

  40. This sounds like the perfect “Back-to-Africa” opportunity for Barack. He finally has the opportunity to be a legitimate President.

  41. Ryan says:

    Unfortunately many of the people who join you in your birther movement would like nothing more than to send Obama “back to Africa”, along with anyone else that looks like him.

    Hasn’t this gone far enough? Whatever your intentions are, are you satisfied with the elements with whom you are now aligned? Not only do you have no evidence to support your alternate theory, you don’t really have an alternate theory. You’ve resorted lately to simple ad hominem attacks. I’ve done a bit of that myself, I admit, but simply because you don’t respond to much else.

  42. Ahem,

    You’re trying to construe my comment as racist. If you want to talk about race, then realize that whites are not the ones who came up with the “Back-to-Africa” movement…. blacks are.

    I don’t care about race. I believe we are all one race. The Human Race.

    The focus of my comment is that Barack can both participate in that movement and finally be President somewhere legally.

    P.S. I would LOVE for Allen West to be our President. Do you even know who he is?

  43. Aaron says:

    Now this is funny.

    Our host even went so far as to provide a link which clearly detailed the “Back to Africa” movement and how it was primarily stoked and supported by black communities (on a left-leaning website, no less) yet Ryan–right on cue–STILL played the race-card.

    Ryan, you got baited into playing the race-card and straight fell for it. You have violated Godwin’s Law (which DOES apply to the race-card, too) again.

  44. Ryan says:

    I’ve stated here many time that I don’t think the posters here are racist. I have not seen anything racist posted here, and am quite confident that those of you that I argue with here are NOT racist in the least. I am pointing out that just as I think peaceful muslims need to distance themselves vocally from jihadists, tea party people need to distance themselves from the racists elements of their faction.

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